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Guide for Loss
Debunking Stages of Grief

The Grief Recovery Method Guide for Loss: 61 tips on the experience of Grief and how to help people through it.


This grief ebook will give you information about loss and how we can help.

This book covers:

  • The best grief definition you will find

  • Typical responses associated with grief

  • How do I know if I'm incomplete with a loss?

  • Why the 5 Stages of Grief are a myth

  • Plus 50 other pieces of important information for you on the topic of grief

The lack of proper information is a major problem for grievers.

Long before a griever speaks with anyone on a professional level about the pain in their heart, they have received endless, and often useless, advice from friends and family. Many of those people have heard about the stages of grief.


Since these friends don't understand where and how these stages were first defined, related to the grief of someone terminal illness diagnoses, they don't realize that applying them for every loss isn't helpful to the griever.


They simply know that in the stages of grief, denial is the first stop. As a result, this is what they have told the griever.

Grievers really could care less about these stages, until someone told them that they must go through them. They know that they are hurting and just want to feel better.


Postpartum and grief are likely two words you never expected to see together. It's possible that some of you might find it surprising to see Postpartum Grief as a title for an article. After all, the birth of a child is expected to be a wonderful event that brings joy and excitement to a family.


We often think of it as something that has been anticipated for months and has involved a great deal of planning in terms of what must be done to create a safe and comfortable home environment for this new child.

Please do not stop reading !

All the many changes that occur with the birth of a child are exactly why there may be elements of grief that surface. Grief is the normal and natural reaction to any change we experience in life. Few things in life bring on larger changes than having a child.


Suddenly, every decision that's made involves considering how it will impact your child. You can't even make a simple trip to the store without gathering all the things that are necessary to take a newborn anywhere.


Where before you might have gone out for a “night on the town” at a moment’s notice, now this must be well planned in advance to ensure that child care has been arranged. Everything in your daily life is impacted, which can lead to that emotion called grief.

Pet Loss

Losing your pet is painful.  Grief is normal and natural, but society has taught you that it is not    acceptable to feel sad.    Most people consider their pet a part of the family, so losing your pet    can be traumatic.    


Because we live in a “feel good” society, we are raised with misinformation   about how to recover from pet loss. 


If you’ve tried to feel better, but still feel heartbroken and  alone, there is nothing wrong with you.It’s simply a  matter of using the wrong tools. 


This eBook gives you the right tools to start on the path to recovery from the devastating loss of your pet.









This is a great video created by Sesame Street to allow children to open up and share their feelings about grief and loss.  This would make a great presentation at a local school, church or funeral home to invite families to watch together.  


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