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Kim Ryan, Advanced Grief Specialist / Development Coach / Virtual Grief Support Communities / Speaker

Affordable Grief Support that allows each person that is moving on with grief, experience the spiritual aspect of grief to heal as they process the grief journey.

New Beginnings Start Here

About Kim's Service

Kimberly Ryan, Advanced Grief  Specialist & Personal Development Coach

Meet Kim Ryan


  Let me begin by saying, "I'm glad you're here, but I'm sorry you had to come."  


Kim Ryan
Life Development Coach, Advanced Grief Specialist, Speaker & Educator

Welcome, I'm glad you stopped by for a visit.  My goal for you is to really get to know you, and the pain you're carrying today.  I have been professionally mentoring and healing others since 2008. I have helped hundreds of people, just like you, transform their lives through resolving the past, and coaching them in order to allow people to rebuild and live a fulfilling life.


Grief feels like a wilderness, and sadly, many spend years going along the twisted, winding pathways that can lead us in some desolate places.  A dark space where our mind battles our hearts, as we attempt to do what we have been told in order to grieve.  




  • Don't Cry / Don't Feel Bad

  • Replace the Loss

  • Be Strong

  • Give it Time

  • Stay Busy

  • Grieve Alone


Here we are, in deep isolation, desperately trying to make the pain subside. I would like to respectively offer you some clarity.  Grief does not simply wane with the passing of days; it becomes a part of us and weaves itself into the very fabric of who we are. Rather than diminishing, we can learn to grow with our grief.


We can learn to live in harmony with its presence in our life, to navigate its difficult landscapes, and to continue onward with resilience, grace, and yes, even gratitude. After all, grief is a testament to the depths of our love. 


​In this moment of your pain, hurt and uncertainty, there lies a powerful opportunity for rebirth, leading you to a path brimming with hope, restoration, growth and personal development.  Embracing the memory of what was, while courageously stepping into what can be, is possible — and it's a journey I am deeply passionate about.


After experiencing a lifetime of loss(es), I embarked on my own personal grief journey and it was through my profound loss where I learned that you can indeed cherish the past and cultivate the future simultaneously.

You can create and design a life that honors both the love you carry and the growth you're destined for.  It is possible to grow while you grieve.  I would love to show you how.

In order to serve you well, I harness my professional training as a grief and life transition coach along with my personal experience with grief work to help you move through their grief journey and discover transformative growth through the process.  I am not going to "fix" you, and I don't give you the tools to "fix" yourself, because you are not broken. 


Grief is not something to be fixed, it is something to be felt and experienced.  Grief has the power to transform you, if you will let it.

Friend, you do not have to go through this alone.  It would be my heartfelt privilege to accompany you on this path, to bear witness to your story, to hold space for you, and to offer the care and support you need and deserve in your grief journey toward healing and self-discovery.  

My main goal as your coach is to provide you with tangible strategies that can be applied in your everyday life. 
How I can help...

The grieving process is likely to be the toughest and most overwhelming path you will ever walk. As you move along in your grief journey, having the right support system is vital to help you navigate the complexities of grief and finding a path towards healing and growth. This is where I can play a valuable role.


Grief coaching is a specialized form of support that focuses on helping you cope with the emotional, mental, physical and practical aspects of grief. What does that mean? In a nutshell, I am a skilled professional who provides guidance, empathy, and practical tools to assist you with navigating the grieving process and helping you get the most good from your grief.


One of the key benefits of working with me as your coach is that I will hold a safe, non-judgmental space for you where you can freely and authentically express and explore your emotions.


I will listen attentively and provide compassionate support as you share your pain, sadness, anger, and all the other complex emotions associated with your loss. By offering a supportive presence, I will help you feel seen, heard, and most importantly, validated.


Through active listening, empathetic guidance, personalized techniques and the use of multiple coaching modalities, I can support you with cultivating personal growth and tapping into the resilience that you already have inside of you. 


I will help you identify your strengths, values and personal goals and empower you to find meaning and purpose in your pain.  During our sessions, you will develop new perspectives, foster greater self-compassion and discover a renewed sense of identity and purpose.​ 


My main goal as your coach is to provide you with tangible strategies that can be applied in your everyday life to support your journey and foster growth through your grief.


If you're seeking compassionate support and guidance after experiencing a loss, I invite you to connect with me.  It would be an honor to walk alongside you on your journey of healing and growth.



Kim Ryan

Kim offers a free 30-minute consult


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Fear, Loss and Change

The Journey


Grief showed up at my door like three hooded enemies.

Uninvited and unprepared, they walked

right through my door


I even gave them names.  

  I called them Loss, Fear & Change.  


They stayed with me around the clock.  I woke up and there they were ... I took long walks and they remained close by my side.  I even began to set a place for them

at the dinner table for them.


 The nights were the worst.  Fear would speak and say,

"You are never going to get through this."

 Loss was like the buffer of the three and would whisper, "You got this."  

Change was slow to speak and it was like he never spoke with words, but would simply show me things.

 I began to have vivid visions. 

My desire for change grew stronger.


Sleep slowly came as peace began to flow over my Fear.  Loss taught me how to accept the things

I cannot change and serenity became my friend.  

I learned the art of surrender. 


 I knew it was time to step say my goodbye's to Fear, Loss & Change.  I thanked them for their gifts they left behind.

As they were packing up to leave, three new

hooded entities knocked upon my door.  

They exchanged slight smiles with Fear - Loss and Change as they entered my life.  I named them as well.


I call them Faith - Hope and Love.























Kim Ryan on Fear, Loss & Change

Kim Ryan

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